We have planned a range of activities for 2023 and our Chapters are expanding! In 2022, we established Chapters in Belgium, Berlin, Munich, Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Lyon, Frankfurt, Paris, and Stuttgart. Get ready for lectures, panel discussions, professional networking events, fundraisers and social gatherings.
Look out for our emails and newsletters, which will contain more information on all upcoming events. Alternatively, get in touch with Alison April, Director of Development and Alumni Relations: Europe at or +32 494 33 57 95.
Save the dates
In conversation with Piet Croucamp • Cheers! We’re kicking off our wine tastings with the Maties Wine Club
Tuesday 28 February to Friday 3 March – SU thought leaders Proff Elmi Muller, Louise Warnich, Kanshu Rajaratnam and Tulio de Oliveira will be visiting Denmark, Germany and Belgium
- Worldwide Stellenbosch Women Alumnae Network (SWAN) – International Women’s Day
- Europe in-person SWAN events organised by our Chapters
- Europe Spring networking event
- Our Rector, Prof Wim de Villiers, is visiting Europe
- Prof Ingrid Woolard, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences visits Amsterdam • Europe Matie Voices