You are cordially invited to the annual general meeting of the Stellenbosch University (SU) Convocation on Thursday, 10 November 2022.
In terms of the SU Statute (2019) the Convocation is composed of (a) all persons on whom a qualification has been conferred at a congregation of the University; (b) the rector, the vice-rectors, chief operating officer and the full-time academic staff of the University; and (c) former full-time academic staff of the University who have left the service of the University on account of their having reached retirement age.
Please do join us either in-person or online.
When: Thursday, 10 November 2022.
Time: 19:00 SAST (If you are based outside of South Africa, CLICK HERE to locate the equivalent time for your location.)
Where: SU Museum, 52 Ryneveld St, Stellenbosch OR online.
Guest Speaker: Heindrich Wyngaard, Executive Chairperson of Cape Forum, well-known media personality, social commentator, and motivational speaker.
To register for the online meeting, CLICK HERE.
To register for the in-person meeting, CLICK HERE.
- You need to register as soon as possible as in-person seating is limited.
- The closing date for registrations is Wednesday, 9 November 2022. We will unfortunately not be able to accommodate late registrations online due to technical and administrative requirements to set up the platform.
- For those attending online, an access link to the meeting will be sent via e-mail.
- For those attending in person – please be seated in the venue by 18:30 SAST and bring proof of identity with you.
As provided for in the Convocation meeting procedures, all motions and agenda items must be submitted by 4 November whereafter the agenda is closed and no additional points or motions may be added. Please submit all agenda items and motions to
Should you wish to submit a motion, kindly note that the motion must be seconded by another member. The motion is only valid if it is clear and concise, and the Secretary of the Convocation receives it by the deadline. Motions will be made available to members with the agenda.
We look forward to welcoming you at this gathering. Light refreshments will be served after the meeting.