All members of the Convocation
Under paragraph 5.3 of the agreed ‘Procedure governing the extraordinary meeting of the convocation’ held on 1 June 2023, an email was sent to all members of the Convocation on 2 June 2023 announcing the voting results.
Paragraph 5.4 of the Procedural Rules stipulates as follows:
If no objections have been received within two business days after the e-mail has been sent, the vote is deemed to be valid and the outcome final.
Under paragraph 5.5 the (ad hoc) chair will handle all objections.
Three (3) official objections have been received within two business days. I am considering those objections at the moment, together with a response from the University. Therefore, I cannot yet ratify the voting results. A further announcement in this regard will be made as soon as practicably possible.
Retired Judge BM Griesel
Ad hoc chairperson